What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost...!
Hello there, fellow netizen - and welcome to my corner of the World Wide Web! I'm WRAETH, your average (definitely human) illustrator, writer, old web enthusiast, basement-dwelling super geek, here to bring you creations from the far off, futuristic year of 2001!
Currently based in the United States, my systems have been online for twenty-something years - and fully operational for about two. I draw for a living, and live to keep drawing.
This site serves a variety of functions: Showcasing my work, hosting commission information, platforming my ramblings, allowing me to flex my creative muscles in the realm of HTML, and more. It's my main base of operations! I have social media for work-related purposes, but posting is largely scheduled and I check them infrequently.
If you're interested in working with me, please reach out to my business email: wraether@proton.me
Wishing you safe travels on the information superhighway! ☆

Viewers & Hits
- Added links, sitemap, and the beginnings of a commissions page - AKA THE BARE MINIMUM NEEDED TO LAUNCH THE SITE! I will add ONE BILLION pages in the future (exaggeration) but for now this is enough. I definitely want to add more links in the near future, what's up currently is everything that Immediately came to mind.
- FINALLY MADE AN INDEX PAGE. Added "favorites" section to About page, and alt text for most images - though, alt text is not my forte and I have very little experience writing image descriptions. It may not be very good! Sorry! But, I figured having it is better than not having it. Rest to be added at a later time.
- Gallery & About page added.
- Homepage FINISHED! - Or at least satisfactory. Other pages finally being worked on. Hit counter added.
- Bulk of the homepage created; absolutely nothing else started. Haven't even made the index yet.
- Page created, bare minimum of code started... looking ugly but we'll get there, lads!
The internet's soul is dying.
Currently, it exists solely for profit against our best interest. It seeks to sanitize, commodify, and sell - preying upon an earnest desire for connection just to cultivate addiction through endless cycles of negativity and relief from the same source. Character limits kill longform discussion while algorithms disincentive nuance in favor of extremes. Through it, we are made reactionary. Anything for more clicks, attention, and, of course, personal data. Outrage is profitable. Non-marketable expression is scrubbed. If it can't make money, it can't exist for long - all so corporations can spoon-feed us "content" like passive, gullible children and round the corners of their UI like a toddler proof kitchen counter.
But it wasn't always like this. I was lucky enough to have been online for the tail-end of the older web, where forums and personal pages reigned supreme. Sites were less polished, but there was color and expression—signs of life and passion. This place was built by people looking for a place to be themselves. The internet had heart. What does it have now?